Monday, February 7, 2011

Roof Collapse

It's been snowing a lot recently and there's been a lot of articles and news stories in regard to roofs collapsing. Naturally, I fear for my life.

When I fear for my life, I generally try to contact the parentals.

Today, after reading the articles and watching the news stories I had to contact the parentals about my safety. So, I emailed mother and father. The exchange goes as follows:

Me: Should we be clearing off our roof?

Father: If it wasn't so high, yes, but I think it is too high so I would rather risk water damage than injury. I don't think weight (i.e. collapsing) would be a real problem because it does have an angle on it that spreads the load.

...I think flip back to the photos in the articles and not that they too have an angled rood. I think go outside and check out our roof....when I come back in, the email exchange continues:

Me: So, I dnn't have to worry about our roof collapsing? cuz I was just loooking at the sides of the roof and there's a good inch of ice already formed on the edges. Damn articles have frightened me.

Father: If those damn articles on the roof damn bother you, you could put the motorcycle helmet on and sit in a doorway for additional safety. Make sure you have your cell phone and a flashlight.

Me: Well. If you need me, that's where I'll be.

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