Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bad Joke Gone Wet

I like to joke around. However, my attempts at joking around usually fail.

So...a story....

My boyfriend was up with me and the parentals in Maine for a weekend. We had just arrived later afternoon on a Friday was a wicked nice summers day. As such, my boyfriend, after we unpacked, went straight to sit on the end of the dock with his feet in the water. That's when I got an idea!

My idea: Sneak up on my boyfriend and give him a scare by pretending to push him in.

Well, that was my idea.

I ended up running down to the dock, then running onto the dock--clearly making enough noise to wake the dead--and then grabbing his shoulders, pushing him towards the water. That's when the planned went downhill...or rather downwater...and instead of pretending to push my boyfriend into the water, I ended up shoving him into the lake. Oops....

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