Thursday, February 7, 2008


As I was walking around the mall, I had stopped at a rack of shirts to browse. Whilst I was browsing, I hear a little girl tell an adult "Halloween was yesterday!" I take a quick peak over the rack of shirts and accidentally make eye contact with the little girl. Next, the gittle girl walks around the rack up to me and our interaction goes as follows....

Little Girl: "Hi! What's your name?"
Me: "Krissy, what's yours?"
Little Girl: "Destiny."
(Little Girl opens arms for a hug)
(Little Girl and I hug)
(Little Girl puts out her right hand for a handshake)
(Little Girl and I shake hands)
Little Girl: "It was nice to meet you."
Me: "Lovely to meet you too."

The little girl and I then part ways....perhaps this is normal interaction between strangers??

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