Monday, May 19, 2008

Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

We dropped a brown paper bag with a PB and J sandwhich in it down the book slot at the library one evening for a friend of ours that worked until 10 p.m.

When she got out of work she called us to meet up. During the phone call and when we met up, she failed to mention having gotten the sandy we left for her. When we finally asked if she enjoyed the sandy, she told us she had no idea what we were talking about.

Turns out, she didn't go to the book slot that evening...meaning there was a creepy brown paper bag with a sandy sitting in the book slot drop.

When she got home that evening, she let her mother, who also works at the library, know what we slid down the book slot.

To avoid bomb scares, our friend and her mother woke up bright and early at 8 a.m. the next morning to go to the library to get the brown paper bag before anyone else stumbled upon it...that must have been an odd story to tell the other librarians to explain why they were at the library on their days off.

Note to not put this in the book slot:

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